Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday morning yucks

Man I hate monday mornings.  Did my usual monday morning 7 miler, but man it was tough.  I haven't felt my best for the last couple of days and getting motivated to run this morning was a task.  I'm really starting to dislike running on pavement.  I'd rather be in the mountains any day even though it is much tougher  Now I have a headache that I can't seem to get rid of.  I was researching running events for next year and I came across some good stuff.  There are some good 50k and 50 mile races in the spring and early summer.  I have already decided to do the Buffalo run 50k on Antelope Island in March and I would like to do another ultra before I head back to good ole Lucasville for a visit in June.  There is the Squaw Peak 50 miler in May, but man, I've heard that thing is especially brutal, like a total of 20,000+ feet of total elevation gain over the course of the race.  I don't know if I could be ready for something like that.  Anyway we've set the date for our Lone Peak climb for the 23rd of this month.  That's a week after the Moab other half, so conditioning should be no problemo, its just the jitters that you get near the top, it is WAY exposed up there, like 800ft. dropoffs on either side of that last knife-edge ridge.  It will be my 3rd time going up there, and the previous two times I remember being kinda nervous near the top.  I usually have to wait about a year in between for that trip to allow myself to forget how bad it can suck.  Its like childbirth, women forget how bad it is and decide to do it again. HAHA

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