Friday, November 12, 2010

Opening Day!!

Well, tomorrow is opening day for Snowbird.  They have gotten ideal weather for this past week or two and have decided to open a week ahead of schedule.  Needless to say I am WAY excited.  I can remember in years past the anticipation for the start of the season, even those days when I was living in Ohio, working at Cornett and looking at every 15 minutes to check out the Utah weather scene.  Finally I just put down roots out here and have found that the mountains offer boundless opportunities year round.  Today I definitely have a feeling of nostalgia.  It is funny how sometimes our passions direct our lives.  On a training note, I ran two 4 mile tempo runs this week (about an 8:50 pace) and I was gonna do my long run tomorrow, but seeing how I will be skiing tomorrow, I've decided to do that today.  I'm hoping to do 10-14 miles at an easy pace.  Love to all!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weather rolling in

So I meant to post over the weekend but it just somehow passed on by.  Only thing I really did was run an easy 11 miler and rested the rest of the time.  Matt come over last night for about an hour and we talked at length about tempo, interval and endurance training.  Currently there is stormy weather rolling in and Snowbird is picking up some of the white stuff as we speak.  It looks like it is gonna be this way off and on all week, which is good for the targeted opening day of Nov. 20.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Long time

Its been a little while since I've posted, but there really isn't that much to talk about.  Snowbird announced their anticipated opening day as Nov. 20...that is close my friends!!  I'm taking a rest day tomorrow and doing a long run on Friday.  The weather has been fantastic in the valley this week with sunny skies and highs in the 60's.  TGR is premiering their new ski-flick on campus Friday night.  I love those guys.  I was in Jackson Hole for the 96-97 ski season when they made their first film.  Should be a ton of fun and a good way to get super-psyched for the season.  Jake and I are planning on going to the stadium friday morning for the taping of gameday, now that should be cool.  So it should be a great weekend.  Hope the best for anybody who reads this....which I think is about 3 people.